Jim comes from Bozeman, Montana, so his immersion into Alaska was smooth. Professionally a photographer, Jim just loves to ride and to share Alaska, with all its grandeur and wildness, to anyone who will listen. An excellent rider with exceptional people skills, Jim brings much to the MotoQuest team. He also studied Archeology and specialized on the Lewis and Clark Expedition. He has worked on several sites where they camped on their journey across the USA, and that is why he also leads our Lewis and Clark Adventure. And, if you ever wanted to learn more about photography while out riding, Jim is your man!
MotoQuest Staff Info
Name: Jim Kohl
Role: Guide
Quote: f/8 and be there!
Email: [email protected]
Hometown: Bozeman, MT
Current Location: Anchorage, AK
Destinations Traveled by Motorcycle: Alaska, Western Canada, Western United States
Favorite Motorcycle Experience: All of them!
Worst Motorcycle Experience: 10 hr days riding in the rain
Languages Spoken: English
Motorcycles Owned: 70 BMW R60/5, '71 Suzuki T250, '00 Kawasaki KLR 650, and many more
Favorite Motorcycle: Kawasaki KLR 650
Tours Guided:
Expertise: Photographer, Historical Archaeologist, Bartender, Recovering Ski-bum