Damage Waivers
All rentals require Level 1 Damage Waiver (Compulsory) - Level 1 Damage Waiver (L1DW) All MotoQuest rentals are charged a mandatory $15 a day Level 1 Damage Waiver. L1DW limits the financial responsibility to the renter regarding damage or theft of the motorcycle to the level listed in the L1DW column on the location specific rental table. L1DW limits are only eligible as long as the terms and conditions here and in the rental agreement are upheld.
Riders may upgrade to Level 2 Damage Waiver (Optional) MotoQuest does offer an option to lower your financial responsibility for theft and damage. By paying an additional $20 a day you can limit your financial responsibility regarding damage or theft of the motorcycle to the level listed in the L2DW column on the location specific rental table. L2DW limits are only eligible as long as the terms and conditions here and in the rental agreement are upheld.
Please Choose a Damage Waiver Level: Level 1 Damage Waiver Level 2 Damage Waiver
Additional Insurances
Supplemental Liability Insurance (SLI) USA ONLY – $12.95 Per Day: When you accept SLI the policy provides you with excess coverage for the difference between the provided state minimum requirement mandated by the applicable insurance jurisdiction and $300,000. Property Damage limitation is $50,000 on any claim and this limit is included in the total liability limit of $300,000. Policy limits are in excess of any/all valid and collectible underlying insurance. If there is any other valid and collectible insurance in effect (i.e. personal automobile liability coverage) then the available protection under the SLI coverage would be reduced by the amount of the underlying insurance.
I would like to purchase SLI: yes no
See Terms & Conditions for a full explanation of Damage Waiver and SLI insurance options
Rental Area Permissions
Are you requesting permission to bring a MotoQuest rental into any of these areas?
Please choose an option: None I plan to take the motorcycle off road Prudhoe Bay, Deadhorse or the Arctic Ocean in Alaska Inuvik, the Dempster Highway or Arctic Circle in Northwest Territories Canada Canada Mexico