You are what you eat.

This was originally a metaphor to describe the effects of diet on overall health and well-being, but before we slide into a debate about which diet is better and what kind of foods we should be eating, we’d like to put our own twist on the saying:

If you are what you eat, then we motorcycling globetrotters are a whole lot of everything!

We field a lot of questions about food as we prepare our groups for international travel. A lot of first-time travelers are hesitant to tread into unfamiliar waters when it comes to dining on the road, but our response is usually, “did you come all the way here to eat food you normally eat?”

Cuisine is a massive part of the experience of world travel. Partaking in these meals puts you more in touch with different cultures, even if that sometimes means stepping outside of your comfort zone. More than just the food itself, there is something special about participating in the unique rituals and customs involved in dining in different countries. In fact, we prioritize dining so much in our trip planning that we have even modified our schedules to accommodate our dining plans!

From fine dining in world class restaurants to roadside carts doling out local delicacies, MotoQuest trips are full of culinary exploration. So with that we invite you to join us for a journey around the world in food, for a glimpse at what we like to call the International MotoQuest Diet.

Kicking things off right here in America, we take a look at our Trail of Lewis and Clark Adventure. For those riders who come to us from outside of the United States, this trip is full of amazing American fare! You will be hard-pressed to find better seafood than at Salty’s on the Columbia. The stunning view of the mighty Columbia River certainly enhances the experience!

As we head south we arrive at Hell’s Backbone Grill & Farm in Boulder, Utah, one of our restaurants of choice on our American Southwest Adventure. Enjoy this James Beard Award semifinalist’s organic, locally produced and seasonal cuisine set against a beautiful backdrop of the mountains of southern Utah.

Fine dining is not the only way to enjoy eating, though. Sometimes you want your meal with a side of nostalgia, and Roy’s Motel & Cafe off historic Route 66 is just the place! We visit this humble and historic diner in the town of Amboy, California on our Wonders of the West Adventure, and the 1950’s era neon signs out front set the mood perfectly.

In our years of travels up and down the Baja peninsula for our various Baja motorcycle adventures we have found many amazing places to enjoy authentic Mexican food. Fish tacos? This is probably the best place on the planet to get them! Tortillas, rice, beans, and the other staples of Mexican cuisine? You got it, homemade and served hot.

Colombia is known for their coffee. As we cruise through the countryside on our two week long Colombia “Valleys of the Andes” Adventure we make a stop at a working organic coffee plantation. After taking a tour of their operations, we get some hands-on experience making and drinking some of the best, freshest coffee you’ll ever have!

The Patagonia region of southern Chile and Argentina is home to the gauchos, the horsemen of South America. We may spot a few modern day gauchos as we ride through the pastoral pampas regions, but one of the highlights of our Patagonia “End of the Earth” Adventure is the traditional gaucho method of cooking meat over open flames. This is one of those meals where the process and customs only enhance the overall experience.

When in Japan, eat like the locals. And eat like the locals we do on our Japan Three Island, Hokkaido Explore, and Japan MotoGP Adventures! Meals are definitely a focal point on all of our Japan adventures because they often look like photo above: fresh seafood, delicious sauces and enough variety to make everyone happy!

We love to visit local marketplaces in our travels. This is possibly the fastest way to experience a new culture, and Thailand and Laos have quite a few of these markets that we will visit during our Golden Triangle Scouting Trip.

Indian cuisine is known for its rich, exotic flavors, and riders on our India “Touch the Sky” Adventure get to enjoy many of these hearty meals. There is something about this food that just makes you feel better when you eat it, and it’s the perfect antidote to the rigorous riding on this trip.

A visit to to England and the Isle of Man simply would not be complete without at least one meal of fish ‘n chips. Watching those racers whiz by at 200mph sure works up an appetite, and there’s nothing better to cure your hunger than hot fried fish and potatoes washed down by a pint of local beer!

We conclude our trip around the world in our home state of Alaska. Along with the rugged beauty of the pristine wilderness, Alaska boasts some very fresh and very delicious seafood! There’s a reason that fishing tourism is such a big industry in this state. Riders on our various guided adventures in Alaska get to eat all the fresh salmon, halibut and crab that they want!